Need to Talk?
Always call 911 if you have an emergency!
The Minnesota Warmline provides a peer-to-peer approach to mental health recovery, support and wellness. Calls are answered by a team of professionally trained Certified Peer Specialists, who have first hand experience living with a mental health condition.
Call 2-1-1 for information on where to get help in your community.
The implementation of 2-1-1 is spearheaded by United Ways and information and referral agencies in states and local communities.
Visit the 2-1-1 Directory for Drug and Alcohol Abuse Resources.
Call the NAMI Helpline 800-950-6264: Answers to questions about mental health conditions, treatment options, and related topics. The HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET.
Crisis Text Line – Text NAMI to 741-741
Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free, 24/7 crisis support via text message.